When to Replace Your Furnace Filter

Article Written by : We Paint

Replacing a furnace filter is one of the chores most people hate to do. This is because the task is often messy and time consuming. Even if you already have a replacement 3m furnace filter or a 3m filtrate that’s ready for installation, you couldn’t help but feel reluctant to do the job as it creates a big mess not only its surroundings but on your clothes as well. But a key to effective furnace cleaning and filter replacement is the timing; so yes, you need to know the best time to clean your furnace so that you can enjoy its functions to the fullest, without the staggering effort.

When replacing a furnace filter, the best time to do it is during summer. Summer is the time you’re not using your furnace, and climate conditions won’t stand in your way of the cleaning job. The colder climate conditions also make it difficult to get rid of the filter and the residue that comes with it, so in a way you get to finish the job faster. Summer also allows a resting time for your newly-cleaned furnace, thus it would become more functional as fall and winter arrive. To avoid making a big mess when replacing a furnace filter, you may want to wear overalls, and cover the surrounding floors with newspaper for easier cleanup.

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